Positive Mental Health
In 2017/18, according to the Health and Safety Executive Figures, work related stress accounted for 57.3% days lost to ill health. Those statistics combing this with the fact that globally depression is one of the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents means that employers create supportive cultures that make staff feel that they care for them as people.
WinWell uses the following approach to develop Positive Mental Health cultures in the workplace:
1. Using the NHS 5 principle to positive mental health, exploring how these can be supported and delivered in the workplace
2. Raising awareness of mental ill health and how best to support people dealing with these challenges
3. Training around how to create and support sustainable positive mental health among employees
4. Using a whole person approach to inductions, transitions, review meetings and objective setting
4. Developing coaching and mentoring skills for line managers so they can have positive mental health conversations with staff
5. Mentoring managers as they navigate their way through positive mental health conversations with staff